If that’s the case for you, you may be wondering which ones they will be, and where to start in order to make a profit. Well, nothing guaranteed, but with dedication and cleverness, you have a good shot at getting there! For that, we have this very complete article with several of the best niches for any newbie, in addition you can also read on the types of posts sure to be a hit on Instagram. Check it out below!

1. Health & fitness

One thing that is becoming more and more common and that is likely to stay that way: health and exercise profiles. This comes from the amount of health problems around the world, which results in people wanting to take better care of themselves, improving their quality of life. This tip is particularly good if you are a nutritionist or personal trainer. Of course, if you simply like to live a healthy and physically active life, you can participate if you think you can help others with your expertise. It is very important that you genuinely enjoy living a healthy life like this, otherwise you will have to devote countless hours to something that does not bring you pleasure. On top of that, if you’re just faking it, you’re going to let on at some point the fact that you don’t really like what you do, which is a bad image to pass on platforms like Instagram. Simply put, you must show your results in your profile, as well as whatever you did to achieve them. This will make more and more people interested in following you!

2. Lifestyle

Among the most profitable Instagram niches, lifestyle is not only one of the most practical, but also one that best fits a wide variety of profiles. After all, almost everyone likes to get to know better the influencers they follow and appreciate! Not only that, but it’s also possible to create an Instagram profile that uniquely and exclusively addresses your lifestyle and your day-to-day. For example, if you are someone who volunteers for NGOs, you can make several posts describing what your days are like and what you do to make a difference! In case you already have a profile with a specific focus, such as art, nothing stops you from creating a new post about a specific event that occurred in your life. If your life is interesting to you, it might be interesting for other people too!

3. Business & making money

Thanks to the internet, many of us have been able to earn quite a bit of extra income relatively easily. This comes from the fact that, with it, we can contact people from anywhere in the world without any problem! That’s exactly where this niche comes from, as there are a truly huge amount of profiles and blogs about ways to make money online. This is a subject that almost everyone is interested in. To create a profile about businesses and how to make money, it’s good that you talk about innovative ways of doing it, ways to grow others people’s businesses, and much more. If this is your expertise, it’s definitely a very viable profile idea!

4. Animals & pets

Almost everyone loves pets. If they don’t, they will generally find some sort of animal cute, at least. In other words, including pictures of your kitten or puppy in your feed is an extremely good idea! Going beyond that, you can easily jump right into one of the most profitable Instagram niches by creating a profile that’s dedicated exclusively to your pet! Even better if your pet has unique features. For example, a unique and beautiful fur coat, if it has heterochromia (different colored eyes), or anything like this that makes it different from all the others.

5. Fashion

Alongside beauty and care, fashion is one of the fastest growing niches on Instagram that generate more and more interest! In fact, according to some data, engagement with fashion-related topics is at the highest levels ever seen! It is normal for human beings to care a little about their appearance. The most common way to ensure that you are not lacking in this department is through fashion influencers! We end up looking for famous people (whether celebrities or famous on the platform) to try to model us after them. It’s good to keep in mind, however, that fully mirroring an influencer is not good! Take their tips and try to build your own look, your own style!

6. Beauty & care

The beauty industry is arguably one of the biggest anywhere in the world, and it is probably the most insidious as well. If you want to create a profile in what is supposed to be one the most profitable Instagram niches, be careful with your mental health, above all! The competition will be quite fierce, as more than 90% of beauty-related brands already have a strong presence on Instagram. This is due to the platform offering the best opportunities for this type of enterprise. It is around this mark here that this industry becomes insidious, as it is robust mostly because it is popular among teenagers who use Instagram. The result can be self-image issues. Ideally, if you want a beauty-focused account, you should keep in mind who your followers are and, based on that, tailor your content to help them establish themselves and create their own sense of beauty. Above all, don’t be shy about sharing what you look like without makeup, talk about how traits considered “undesirable” by most people can be pretty on their own, and help those who follow you develop a sense of healthy beauty!

7. Craftwork & “Do-it-Yourself”

For sure this is a niche that, unfortunately, is riddled with profiles that post fake content just like that. Even the worst (and best known) of them are some who share many false and even dangerous pieces. There’s a lot here that you straight up shouldn’t do. Still, it’s big because there are a lot of people who are interested in that kind of thing. As top creators are often dishonesty, it makes room for honest creators who are interested in sharing everyday tricks.

8. Raising children

This niche is quite specific, and you can only be a part of it if you have kids! Still, it has a lot of potential, as up to 70% of young mothers use Instagram daily, accessing it dozens of times a day. Through Instagram, you can communicate with other parents and share your experience and useful tips. But how come this is one the most profitable Instagram niches? Well, people try to make a name for themselves by sharing daily tips and tricks, trying to help those in need. From there, you can write books to help new parents, partner with other profiles, and even receive sponsorships!

9. Cooking

If there’s one thing that’s common to everyone, it’s eating. Almost everyone loves to eat. This is something that will always be true, no matter what, which means this is an easy niche to explore. If you like to cook or cook well, this might be the niche for you! You can share recipes, tips and tricks on how to cook something more easily, photos of your beautiful dishes and much more. This can be even better if you are a restaurant owner, doubling down as advertisement for your place. After all, you’ll be able to share the dishes that customers can order when they visit your establishment and show brand new recipes to attract new faces!

10. Memes

Almost everyone who uses the internet on a regular basis already knows about them, and they are easily one of the most profitable Instagram niches. That’s right, memes have become increasingly popular over the years, even being able to be monetized! Years ago was the time when they started to be created and shared, and over time their popularity only grew. Now it’s as strong as ever, and it’s the perfect time for anyone looking to create a profile that’s all about them!

11. Traveling

As much as it’s one of the most profitable Instagram niches, traveling is probably the most expensive of them. Almost everyone loves to travel, and anyone who can’t do that has to settle with following influencers who do. If you are financially able to travel around, whether domestic or international, you can certainly create a new profile on the topic, or link it in your existing account. Ideally, you should take pictures of the iconic places and the beautiful food you eat, so you can show your followers a little bit of what you’re experiencing.

12. Digital marketing

Digital marketing is another really useful tool you can use as inspiration for your new page. After all, you wouldn’t be reading this article if it wasn’t for the digital marketing! The area is quite complex and expansive, so there’s a lot you can talk about and cover. For example, affiliate marketing, social media marketing, professional marketing, and much more. The main thing is to talk about where all these areas intersect, so you can have more reach and help many more people at once.

13. Weight loss

These days, it’s almost an obsession to lose weight, no matter how much you really weigh. As much as this is one of the most profitable Instagram niches, you need to know what you’re talking about. This comes from the fact that there are already many other profiles on the subject, and several of them are well established and trustworthy. Reaching out to a person new at weight loss by giving half-assed tips is certainly not going to give you the desired results!

14. Technology

Ah, technology! It is thanks to it that the world is where it is, for better or for worse. And of course technology has a place on this list, with gigantic potential and great targeting power. What I mean by that is, in short, that you can talk about a wide variety of subjects, including apps, computer programs, general appliances, smartphones, data and crypto mining, security, and much more. Better yet, if you have a lot of general tech knowledge, such as an IT background, you can create a profile where you share everyday tips and tricks, like how to stay safe online, and more.

15. Games

It can be considered a subcategory of technology, as there are no games without the technology. Still, it deserves a topic of its own among the most profitable Instagram niches. There are all kinds of things you can cover in this field, and they include various tutorials, tips on how to run the game better, gameplay and review videos, among others. Gaming is a very wide field to explore, with its own particularities. Maybe you can make an account all about that game you love so much!


The last thing we’re going to talk about in this article are motivational phrases and quotes, hailing from almost anywhere. Games, movies, books, you name it. They are particularly popular with older audiences. The main reason that quotes are good is that they can convey inspiration and motivation without you having to read an entire book all about it. But of course, tend to the origin of your quotes! Name where you took them from, maybe talk about that work a little bit. If one good quote came out of it, maybe that’s enough to convince people to look for more about it!

How’d like these most profitable Instagram niches?

Trying to make your mark in culture is hard, almost as hard as trying to make money out of it. Were these tips any helpful to you? Did we leave anything out? Comment down below, let us know!

The top 16 most profitable Instagram niches    AppTuts - 16The top 16 most profitable Instagram niches    AppTuts - 21The top 16 most profitable Instagram niches    AppTuts - 39The top 16 most profitable Instagram niches    AppTuts - 33