We promise you there are museums from all over the world, ready to introduce you to “brand new old stuff” that you’ve never seen before!

1. Louvre

One of the most famous museums in the world to open up our list. The illustrious Louvre museum is located in Paris and it has an excellent virtual version that may be visited without any cost whatsoever. Nowadays, the museum seems to be closed, but you can its out through virtual reality. The best part is that the virtual tour is available in multiple languages and not only French. Check it out through this link.

2. Pinacoteca

So many Brazilian museums offer outstanding quality, so we couldn’t leave them aside when creating a virtual museums list. The Pinacoteca, for example, has a totally free version that you can check out. It is thousands of works that may be seem from the comfort of your own home and at any moment. It really is a great opportunity to check out the work of Brazilian artists. Check out more in this link.


Another great Brazilian museum that you can check out from your home, that’s MASP, AKA the São Paulo Arts’ Museum. Known for its iconic architecture, the museum gathers countless works from Brazilian and international artists. It is a good opportunity to get to know more about the famous São Paulo museum, even if you are home. You can check out more through this link.

4. MoMA

The Museum of Modern Art, also known as MoMA, is one of the most famous in the United States and even the world. Thankfully, it is one the free virtual museums in this list, so you can check out yourself! Besides making a virtual tour available, you can also enroll for free online courses. This way, you can learn more about art at the same time you get to see the artwork. Click here for the official site of the MoMA.

5. Van Gogh Museum

Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most celebrated artists in history, so it makes sense to have a museum in his memory. The good part is that we check out a nice part of its collection through a virtual tour! If you are a fan of the Dutch painter, there are no reasons to not check it out. You can read more about it on the museum’s official website.

6. Metropolitan Museam of Art

Also known by its shorter nickname “Met”, this is one of the most famous museums in the world and a must see for whoever is visiting New York. The good news is that its official website counts with multiple 360º videos for whoever wants to know more about it virtually. Besides that, the site still has a lot of information about its collection, may it be through videos, photos or text. You can check out all of it on the museum’s website.

7. Art Institute of Chicago

Another good option for whoever has an interest in virtual museums is the Art Institute of Chicago. It counts with thousands of works in its collection, including famous pieces from artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Dalí, for example. The coolest part of the virtual tour is that the website has a lot of informational audios entirely about the exhibits. You can check out more on the official site.

8. Anne Frank House

This museum located in Amsterdam is exactly what the name says it is: the house of Anne Frank. On the normal tour, you’ll be able to walk through the house and see lots of objects and information about the girl that died during the Second World War. The virtual museum tries to recreate the experience the best it can. It is even possible to try a virtual reality tour for people who have the necessary equipment. Check out more on the following link.

9. Musée d’Orsay

The famous Musée d’Orsay is another fantastical museum located in Paris, usually open for tourists from everywhere. Closed during the quarantine, it is one of the virtual museums that you just can’t miss. The place counts with an incredible collection of international artists. Besides going for the digital experience, you can also see a diverse array of videos, photos and texts about the works. Check out more on the official website.

10. Museo Nacional de Antropologia

Perhaps the most famous museum in Mexico, it had to be on this list. It is very interesting and has an incredible collection, especially for people interested in the Aztec civilization. The virtual museum is a great experience, as you’ll be able to run the halls of the museum at your will. You can check it out accessing their website.

11. Vatican Museum

As you can imagine, the Vatican Museum is one of Italy’s most coveted attractions. And you can visit it from home during quarantine. The virtual museum boasts some the the world’s most renowned classics. That includes work from artists such as Leonardo DaVinci, Rafael Sanzio and Caravaggio. If you’re looking for free virtual museums to visit, this is it. Check out more through this link.

Since we’re talking about incredible Italian museums, it’s worth mentioning another wonderful place from that country. The Uffizi Gallery can be found in Florence and has an incredible collection of works by Italian artists from several different time periods. The sculpture collection is one of the highlights and they can be seen right at home, all to be seen in the virtual tour. If you’re curious, you can visit the virtual museum on their official site.

13. The British Museum

This incredible British museum counts with thousands of pieces in its collection. This includes items from the history and culture of multiple countries and continents, a great opportunity to get to know new and different places. Through the virtual tour, you can check out practically everything and listen to the audios with extra information about their works. If you are interested, you can know more through the museum’s website.

14. The Acropolis Museum

Anyone visiting Greece can’t miss out on The Acropolis Museum. It counts not only with an incredible collection, but also does everything possible to show what is left of the Acropolis of Athens Of course the live experience is incomparable, but the virtual tour is sensational in its own right. This doubles for people who are interested in the history and culture of ancient and classic Greece. You can check out more on this link.

15. National Museum of Natural History

Among so many virtual museums in this list, we couldn’t leave aside one dedicated to different animal species. The National Museum of Natural History is located in Washington, and counts with centuries of rich animal history in its collection. There are thousands of fossils, animal skeletons and replicas of giant beings spread all over the place. On the virtual tour, you’ll be able to check out everything from the tranquility of your own house. If you wanna take a look at their collection, access this link.

Did you enjoy these virtual museums?

Did you get to know some of these interesting places? Museums are where we keep our past, after all. It is what we want to remember, and even in quarantine it is a good time as any to check it out! If museums are not really your thing, we have a lot of different lists for every taste, like the best anime of all time, best TV show and movie streaming services and the top war movies of all time.

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