If this is an issue you’re experiencing and you want some cool Instagram Stories post ideas to get a lot of engagement, this article is for you. Check out all the ideas below!

1. Ask questions (or create polls)

By far one of the best ways in which you’re certainly going to generate engagement, more views, and more loyal followers is through opinion polls! After all, when someone is browsing Instagram and comes across a poll you created, it’s natural for them to feel compelled to respond. It is natural for human beings to want to be part of something, even more so to see how the answers are going. The trick with these kinds of Instagram Stories post ideas is to ask simple questions that have easy answers. You can even ask what kind of makeup you should do tomorrow, and put up background images that reflect them! Below are two generic examples:

2. Talk about how you feel

Without a doubt this is one of the best Instagram Stories post ideas. After all, everyone has good days and bad days (and plenty of average days out there), including the most famous and biggest influencers. When you talk about how you feel and how things are going, you will humanize yourself in front of your followers, so show your vulnerabilities! Of course, you don’t need (and shouldn’t really) expose all of your intimacy in-depth on social networks, telling all the most private details, but give a general idea of how you are! Better yet, if you’re facing a depressing phase in your life, for example, it’s perfectly okay to create a Story and say that, explaining to your followers why you didn’t post this week, or other similar situations.

3. Location

Instagram Stories post ideas could also include your current location! This is particularly good if you own a local store, or sell products locally. After all, by sharing your location, people will find out where you are. In addition, Instagram will show your Story to people who live near where you are, generating new views that you wouldn’t otherwise have. It’s almost guaranteed to get new followers and more views!

4. Teasers are effective

Instagram Stories post ideas could be teasers and promos for your products, services or whatever else you are intending to release. Any sort of labor is fair game! Are you a musician looking to announce your shows? Are you the owner of your clothing store looking to announce new clothes? Teasing future releases could be a great idea for you! A teaser, for those who don’t know, is nothing more than a preview of something. A short movie trailer is a teaser, as is a blurry photo of an upcoming sneaker.

What was done up until today (that is: August 30th) was to use the “drag up” tool, available only to those who have 10,000 or more followers. Now, Instagram is deleting this tool, and adding the one of links on stickers. This new tool opens way to new Instagram Stories post ideas! You should create posts like Story, and add a sticker with a link to your page on them. With that, you’ll generate traffic to your other channels and posts!

6. Promote your last posts

Certainly very important if you want to generate more engagement and get more views overall, promoting your posts is a pretty easy task to do. For that, you can simply add a link to your Stories, as mentioned in the previous topic! And with that, you’ll be able to promote, for example, your blog, your podcast, or even any Instagram post you want to be popular. Just put an image in the Story referring to what you want to promote, and next to that, the link.

7. Remind your followers to turn on notifications

This shouldn’t even be considered among Instagram Stories post ideas, but in and out of itself, it’s still worth a post: encourage your followers to enable notifications for your posts. Keep in mind that creating Stories with this sort of message too often is annoying and will ensure people want to avoid keeping notifications turned on. Now, if this is a rare, occasional post, it can be a very useful tool. After all, you’ll encourage your followers to always be aware of when you make a new post, increasing the number of likes and comments you’ll get.

8. Show your work…

It truly doesn’t matter what your Instagram is about for this idea to work. After all, Instagram is a place where it’s always good to share art and stuff like that. This idea actually is all about sharing the things you create. Easy examples are your designs, photos, the code of some program you are working on, your writing, your drawings… it all works! This will generate more engagement with your followers as they will get to know you better!

9. … and show HOW you work!

Instagram Stories post ideas are not all obvious. This one is related to the previous one. However, here we are talking more about the way you work. For example, taking several pictures during the process of drawing an image, to get a timeline of the progression. People love that sort of stuff! Another thing worth sharing is your workplace, your writing or drawing station, your office, or whatever. Again, it’s another thing that will humanize you, which is good for your popularity.

10. Share tips

Você sabe bastante sobre algum assunto? Tenho certeza que sim, todo mundo é bom em pelo menos uma coisa. E se você acha que os seus conhecimentos sobre qualquer coisa são acima da média, é uma boa ideia compartilhar eles! Do you know a lot about a subject? I’m sure yes, everyone is good at at least one thing. And if you think your knowledge of anything is above average, it’s a good idea to share it! This is due to the fact that whoever follows you follows you for a reason. And if you share your knowledge by giving tips, those who follow you will appreciate your profile much more! Isso se dá devido ao fato de que quem te segue, te segue por uma razão. E se você compartilha seus conhecimentos dando dicas, quem te segue vai apreciar muito mais o seu perfil!

11. Promote products

Are you launching a new product? Announcing a new service? Well then, there’s plenty of Instagram Stories post ideas for that, as you’ve seen up above! Stories is a phenomenal tool for anyone who wants to generate hype about something. You can use this to work in quite a bit of anticipation and expectation on your followers, so that they will be curious about whatever you are going to sell. Check out how @lucianolarrossa did it:

12. Post quotes

Quotes are really useful and appreciated by many users. Simply put, quotes can be motivational or inspirational, which ends up helping struggling people. Of course, if your account isn’t dedicated to posting quotes, it’s good that you don’t post very often, but still seeing a Story with some quotes can be really cool.

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